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当前位置: 仪器交易网 » 供应 » 广州市番禺区大石明洋烘焙用品商行

广州市番禺区大石明洋烘焙用品商行位于中国最大酒店用品博览城.广州番禺沙溪国际酒店用品博览城H137档,明洋烘焙用品商行是一家烘焙糕点配套模具、器具、雕刻月饼模、米糕模、星级酒店各种菜吸、西饼屋专用模等产品的经销批发的个体经营。明洋烘焙器具模具产品畅销消费者市场.在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。本公司产品畅销国内外.实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信赖与支持。为广大新老顾客朋友们增光添色!期待与您携手共创美好未来! 本网址:http://www.电话:86-20-39209569 手机:
Mingyang Baking Utensil Company is located in the largest Hotel Commodity City in Dashi , Panyu, Guangzhou. Our shop is located at Shop H137of Guangzhou Panyu Shaxi International Hotel Commodity City.

Mingyang Baking Utensil Company is a private dealer that specializes in the line of baking utensils and models that are used to bake all kinds of cakes and food at homes and hotels. Mingyang brand baking utensils are very popular with the consumers and gain high honour in the domestic and international markets.
Our company have established long-term and stable trade relationship with many reliable agents and retailers. Our products are sold quite well in the domestic and international markets.
Our company have a lot of advantages and strength, pay attention to our credit, implement contracts seriously , guarantee the high quality of our products, keep on the principle— Focus on products variety and more sale with less profit. We have won the belief and support of a large number of consumers. Our purpose is to enrich the colorful life of our old and new customers.
We are looking forward to create wonderful and marvelous future with you! Our website is http://www./ Tel :86-20-39209569 phone:86-013,437,819,159

公司名称 广州市番禺区大石明洋烘焙用品商行 公司认证
注册年份 2008 公司类型 公司类型企业单位
联系人 杨明洋 手机
电话 0086 020 39928086 传真 0086 020 22620685
地址 中国 广东 广州市番禺区 广州市番禺区沙溪国际酒店用品城H137档
