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PK2-1500N PK2-1500N

会员指数: 企业认证:         


所在地:广东 广州市





刘辉龙 15915719483(先生) 主管 






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  “敏于行”即要注重实干,敏动善行。“敏于行”是公司引以自豪的地域精神特  质,主要包括三层涵义:一是敢为人先,勇于探索,先行先试。二是善于把握发  展先机,把先进的思想及时转化落实到行动上,注重实干、敏于行动、务实不张  扬。三是善于应变、灵活变通。每当面临重大的历史转折,总能及时把握和顺应  时代潮流,解放思想,更新观念,大胆创新,解决发展难题。





















- Load cell for Vehicle Foot Pedals.
- Setting and Testing are easy. Hang it on a pedal and step on the load cell and the pedal together.
- The result is possible to check from the outside of the car when using with a handy type amplifier.
- To output force values, connecting with an amplifier is required.

Specification for Load cell for Vehicle Foot Pedals PK2-1500N

Model PK2-1500N
Application For vehicle foot pedals
Capacity 1500N
Cable length Approx. 1.5m
Size Approx. 50×70×27(mm)
International Protection IP65*

* IP65 is only approved for the load cell itself. The amplifier (the indicator) and the connector parts are not approved.

 Specifications for eZ-Connect series Load Cell

Model ePK2-1500N
Application For vehicle foot pedals
Capacity 1500N
Accuracy +/-1.0%F.S. or less
Cable Approx.1.5m
Dimensions Approx.50×70×27(mm)
International Protection IP65(*1)

* IP65 is only approved for the load cell itself. The amplifier (the indicator) and the connector parts are not approved.




-A load cell for closing force of doors and windows.
-Easy fixing sensor positions and directions by a flexible arm.
-Handy measurements are possible.
-An amplifier is required to output force values.

Specifications for SKM-1000n Load Cell for Closing Force of Car Windows

Model SKM-1000N*
Capacity 1000N
Accuracy ±1.0%F.S. or less
Compensention temperature
(Allowable temperature)
0 degree Celsius ~+40 degree Celsius
(0 degree Celsius ~ +40 degree Celsius)
Cable Approx. 200mm(Flexible arm)
Dimension Refer to dimensions
International Protection IP65

*SKM-1000N does not separate from an indicator, therefore, the specification is in case of  combining our ZT series.




- Strain gauge type load cell.
- Load cell for measuring the impact of automatic doors.
- Able to test in accordance with JIS A4721 : 2005 [Automatic revolving doors - Safety] partly.
- Able to test in accordance with JIS A1551 : 1995 [Test method for automatic door system] partly.
- Amplifier is necessary to read load values and output them to external equipment.

[Testing Applications]
Automatic door closing strength test >>
*Please click the application for further information.

Specifications for DM-2000N Load Cell for Automatic Doors

Model DM-2000N
Capacity 2000N
Rated output 0.75~2mV/V(1500~4000×10-6distortion)+/-1%
Nonlinearity 1.0%R.O.
Hysteresis 1.0%R.O.
Recommended voltage(Allowable voltage) 1~5V AC or DC(7V AC or DC)
Safe overload rating 150%
Working environment(allowable temperature) 0 degree Celsius~+50 degree Celsius
(-10 degree Celsius~+60 degree Celsius)
Temperature influence for 0 point 0.05%/ degree Celsius
Temperature influence for output 0.05%/ degree Celsius
Weight Approx. 1200g(The weight is only sensor)
Cable Approx.2m
Dimension Refer to dimensions

Specifications for eZ-Connect series Load Cell

Model eDM-2000N
Capacity 2000N
Accuracy +/-0.2%F.S or less
Safe overload rating 150%
Working environment
(allowable temperature)
0degree Celsius~+50degree Celsius
(-10degree Celsius~+60degree Celsius)
Cable Approx.1200g(Sensor only)
Dimensions Approx.2m
Model Refer the dimension




-High capacity load cell for tension
-An attached hook helps fixing.
-Can be used as a crane scale
-Connecting an amplifier is required to output force value.

Specifications for Crane Scale Type Load Cell ZW1-10kN

Model ZW1-10kN
Capacity 10kN
Nonlinearity +/-0.5% R.O
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) 0~50 degree Celsius(-20~0 degree Celsius)
Cable Approx. 0.5~4m(Curl cord)
Dimensions Refer to the dimension
International Protection IP67

*1 IP is only approved for the load cell. An amplifier (an indicator)/ the connecting part/ the connector part are not approved.

Specifications for eZ-Connect series Load Cell

Model eZW1-10kN
Capacity 10kN
Accuracy +/-1.0% F.S or less
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) 0~50degree Celsius(-20~70degree Celsius)
Cable Approx.0.5~4m(Curl cord)
Dimensions Please refer to the dimension
International Protection IP67*1

*1 IP is only approved for the load cell. An amplifier (an indicator)/ the connecting part/ the connector part are not approved.




-High capacity load cell for tension.
-2 attached rod ends help mounting.
-IP 67 is approved. Waterproof and dust-proof.
-Connecting an amplifier is required to output force value.

Specifications for High Capacity Tension Load Cell ZU series

Model ZU series
Capacity Refer to the model list
Rated output +/-1.5mV/V
Nonlinearity +/-0.5% R.O
Allowable voltage 10V DC
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) -10~50 degree Celsius(-30~50 degree Celsius)
Temperature influence at 0 point 0.005%/ degree Celsius
Temperature influence for output 0.005%/ degree Celsius
Cable ZU-5000N:Approx 0.5~4m(Curl cord)
ZU-10kN/20kN: Approx.5m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension
International Protection IP67

*IP is only approved for the load cell. An amplifier (an indicator)/ the connecting part/ the connector part are not approved.

Specifications for eZ-Connect series Load Cell

Model eZU series
Capacity Please refer to the model list
Accuracy +/-1.0% F.S or less
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) -10~50degree Celsius(-30~50degree Celsius)
Cable ZU-5000N:Approx.0.5~4m(Curl cord)
Dimensions Please refer to the dimension
International Protection IP67*

*IP is only approved for the load cell. An amplifier (an indicator)/ the connecting part/ the connector part are not approved.

Model List of High Capacity Tension Load Cell ZU series

Model eZ-Connect series Model Capacity
ZU-5000N eZU-5000N 5000N
ZU-10kN eZU-10kN 10kN
ZU-20kN eZU-20kN 20kN




- Strain gauge type load cell.
- Available in temperature from -40 up to 130 degree Celsius.
- For compression test only.
- Amplifier is necessary to read load values and output them to external equipment.

Specifications for LMT series Wide Operating Temperature Range Load Cell

Model LMT-1000N
Capacity Refer to the model list
Rated output 1.75~2.0mV/V
Nonlinearity 0.5%R.O.
Hysteresis 0.5%R.O.
Recommended voltage 1~3V AC/DC
(allowable voltage) (5V AC/DC)
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) -40~+150 degree Celsius(-40~+160 degree Celsius)
Temperature influence for 0 point 0.01%/ degree Celsius
Temperature influence for output 0.01%/ degree Celsius
Cable Approx.2m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension

Specifications for eZ-Connect series Load Cell

Model eLMT-1000N
Capacity Refer to the model list
Accuracy +/- 1.0%F.S. or less
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) -40~+150 degree Celsius(-40~+160 degree Celsius)
Cable Approx.2m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension




-High accuracy load cell for compression
-High capacity type up to 5000N to 20kN
-IP67 is approved. Waterproof and dust-proof
-An amplifier is necessary to read load values and output them to external equipment.

Specifications forDD2 series High Accuracy and High Capacity Load Cell

Model DD2 series
Capacity Refer to the model list
Rated output 2mV/V
Nonlinearity 0.25%R.O
Recommended voltage(allowable voltage) Max.10V DC
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) -10~+50 degree Celsius(-30~+50 degree Celsius)
Temperature influence for 0 point 0.005%/ degree Celsius
Temperature influence for output 0.005%/ degree Celsius
Cable Approx.5m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension
International Protection IP67

*IP is only approved for the load cell. An amplifier (an indicator)/ the connecting part/ the connector part are not approved.

Specifications for eZ-Connect series Load Cell

Model eDD2 series
Capacity Refer to the model list
Accuracy +/-0.5%F.S. or less
Safe overload rating 120%
Working environment(allowable temperature) -10~+50 degree Celsius(-30~+50 degree Celsius)
Cable Approx.5m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension
International Protection IP67

*IP is only approved for the load cell. An amplifier (an indicator)/ the connecting part/ the connector part are not approved.

Model List of DD2 series High Accuracy and High Capacity Load Cell

Model eZ-Connect series model Capacity
DD2-5000N eDD2-5000N 5000N
DD2-10kN eDD2-10kN 10kN
DD2-20kN eDD2-20kN 20kN




- Strain gauge type load cell.
- High accuracy.
- For compression test only.
- Amplifier is necessary to read load values and output them to external equipment.

Specifications for LC series High-Accuracy Coin-Shaped Load Cell

Model LC series
Capacity Refer to the model list
Rated output +/-0.9~1.4mV / V
Nonlinearity 0.15%R.O
Hysteresis 0.1%R.O
Recommended voltage(allowable voltage) 2~5V AC or DC(7V AC or DC)
Safe overload rating 150%
Working environment(allowable temperature) 0~+70 degree Celsius(-10~+70 degree Celsius)
Temperature influence for 0 point 0.005%/ degree Celsius
Temperature influence for output 0.01%/ degree Celsius
Cable Approx.3m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension

Specifications for eZ-Connect series Load Cell

Model eLC series
Capacity Refer to the model list
Accuracy +/-0.5%F.S. or less
Safe overload rating 150%
Working environment(allowable temperature) 0~+70 degree Celsius(-10~+70 degree Celsius)
Cable Approx.3m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension

Model List of LC series High-Accuracy Coin-Shaped Load Cell

Model eZ-Connect series model Capacity
LC-500N eLC-500N 500N
LC-1000N eLC-1000N 1000N
LC-2000N eLC-2000N 2000N
LC-5000N eLC-5000N 5000N
LC-10kN eLC-10kN 10kN
LC-20kN eLC-20kN 20kN




- Strain gauge type load cell.
- A coin-sized small load cell.
- For compression test only.
- Amplifier is necessary to read load values and output them to external equipment.

Specifications for LM series Coin-Shaped Load Cell

Model LM series
Capacity Refer to the model list
Rated output +/-1mV / V+/-10%
Nonlinearity 10N~10kN:1.0%R.O
Hysteresis 10N~10kN:1.0%R.O
Recommended voltage 1~3V AC or DC
(allowable voltage) (5V AC or DC)
Safe overload rating 120%R.O
Working environment(allowable temperature) 0~+50 degree Celsius(-10~ +60 degree Celsius)
Temperature influence for 0 point 10N~50N:0.2%/ degree Celsius
100N~20kN:0.5%/ degree Celsius
Temperature influence for output 10N~50N:0.2%/ degree Celsius
100N~20kN:0.5%/ degree Celsius
Cable Approx.2m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension

Specifications for eZ-Connect series

Model eLM series
Capacity Refer to the model list
Accuracy +/-2.0%F.S. or less
Safe overload rating 120%R.O
Working environment(allowable temperature) 0~+50 degree Celsius(-10~ +60 degree Celsius)
Cable Approx.2m
Dimensions Refer to the dimension

* Please note there is NO eZ-Connect series for LM-5000N~20kN.

Model List of  LM series Coin-Shaped Load Cell

Model eZ-Connect series model Capacity
LM-10N eLM-10N 10N
LM-20N eLM-20N 20N
LM-50N eLM-50N 50N
LM-100N eLM-100N 100N
LM-200N eLM-200N 200N
LM-500N eLM-500N 500N
LM-1000N eLM-1000N 1000N
LM-2000N eLM-2000N 2000N
LM-5000N - 5000N
LM-10kN - 10kN
LM-20kN - 20kN



免责声明:以上所展示的[PK2-1500N PK2-1500N]信息由会员[广州诚敏电子科技有限公司]自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布会员负责。


